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Tani hosting, cURL

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Gość Łukasz Tkacz

Ja polecam prohost - przy 30,50zł / mc masz 200GB traficu, curl też jest.

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Vps to przeciez tez forma hostingu.


Bardzo ciekawe ;)

Wytłumacz mi tą formę hostingu - bo śmiem twierdzisz, że się głupio wymigujesz...

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Alez prosze bardzo chociazby wikipedia :


Rodzaje hostingu :


* Free web hosting service: Free web hosting is offered by different companies with limited services, sometimes advertisement-supported web hosting, and is often limited when compared to paid hosting.


* Shared web hosting service: one's Web site is placed on the same server as many other sites, ranging from a few to hundreds or thousands. Typically, all domains may share a common pool of server resources, such as RAM and the CPU. The features available with this type of service can be quite extensive. A shared website may be hosted with a reseller.

* Reseller web hosting: allows clients to become web hosts themselves. Resellers could function, for individual domains, under any combination of these listed types of hosting, depending on who they are affiliated with as a provider. Resellers' accounts may vary tremendously in size: they may have their own virtual dedicated server to a collocated server. Many resellers provide a nearly identical service to their provider's shared hosting plan and provide the technical support themselves.

* Virtual Dedicated Server: also known as a Virtual Private Server (VPS for short) divides server resources into virtual servers, where resources can be allocated in a way that does not directly reflect the underlying hardware. VPS will often be allocated resources based on a one server to many VPSs relationship, however virtualisation may be done for a number of reasons, including the ability to move a VPS container between servers. The users may have root access to their own virtual space. This is also known as a virtual private server or VPS. Customers are sometimes responsible for patching and maintaining the server.

* Dedicated hosting service: the user gets his or her own Web server and gains full control over it (root access for Linux/administrator access for Windows); however, the user typically does not own the server. Another type of Dedicated hosting is Self-Managed or Unmanaged. This is usually the least expensive for Dedicated plans. The user has full administrative access to the box, which means the client is responsible for the security and maintenance of his own dedicated box.

* Managed hosting service: the user gets his or her own Web server but is not allowed full control over it (root access for Linux/administrator access for Windows); however, they are allowed to manage their data via FTP or other remote management tools. The user is disallowed full control so that the provider can guarantee quality of service by not allowing the user to modify the server or potentially create configuration problems. The user typically does not own the server. The server is leased to the client.

* Colocation web hosting service: similar to the dedicated web hosting service, but the user owns the colo server; the hosting company provides physical space that the server takes up and takes care of the server. This is the most powerful and expensive type of the web hosting service. In most cases, the colocation provider may provide little to no support directly for their client's machine, providing only the electrical, Internet access, and storage facilities for the server. In most cases for colo, the client would have his own administrator visit the data center on site to do any hardware upgrades or changes.

* Cloud hosting: is a new type of hosting platform that allows customers powerful, scalable and reliable hosting based on clustered load-balanced servers and utility billing. Removing single-point of failures and allowing customers to pay for only what they use versus what they could use.

* Clustered hosting: having multiple servers hosting the same content for better resource utilization. Clustered Servers are a perfect solution for high-availability dedicated hosting, or creating a scalable web hosting solution. A cluster may separate web serving from database hosting capability.

* Grid hosting: this form of distributed hosting is when a server cluster acts like a grid and is composed of multiple nodes.

* Home server: usually a single machine placed in a private residence can be used to host one or more web sites from a usually consumer-grade broadband connection. These can be purpose-built machines or more commonly old PCs. Some ISPs actively attempt to block home servers by disallowing incoming requests to TCP port 80 of the user's connection and by refusing to provide static IP addresses. A common way to attain a reliable DNS hostname is by creating an account with a dynamic DNS service. A dynamic DNS service will automatically change the IP address that a URL points to when the IP address changes.

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No tak masz trochę racji ale czy na pewno vps to odpowiednie rozwiazanie dla osoby, która z formy wypowiedzi szuka shared hostingu ? I nie koniecznie potrafi zarządzać linuxem ... ?

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A więc kolokacja jest również rodzajem hostingu, serwer domowy jest rodzajem hostingu, serwer dedykowany jest rodzajem hostingu... bzdura! Te usługi same w sobie nie są hostingiem - dopiero po zaistnieniu jakiś tam wytycznych się nim staną.


Zresztą jeżeli posiadasz jakikolwiek zdrowy rozsądek - to pomyślałbyś, że osoba zadająca w ten sposób pytanie nie szuka wirtualizacji czy innego kontenera samo zarządzającego. Tylko hostingu wirtualnego - ale oczywiście jesteś mądrzejszy i bez głębszej analizy wklepujesz jakąś tam ofertę.

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Najdmen : postawienie lighthttpd na debianie z curlem to copy/paste ok 3 komend + zmiana 2 linijek.Jest mnostwo tutoriali krok po kroku wiec nie wymaga to zadnej skomplikowanej wiedzy , skoro ktos pisze o curlu to zakladam ze jest sobie w stanie poradzic z wklepaniem takich komend.



A co do curla na wiekszosci shared hostingow sa problemy w momencie gdy np korzystasz z tej biblioteki do crawlowania stronek i generujesz tym sposobem duze obciazenie procesora.


Zalety mojego rozwiazania : tansze + zero pretensji o to co robisz minus : trzeba 5 minut poswiecic na konfiguracje lighthttpd

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Najdmen : postawienie lighthttpd na debianie z curlem to copy/paste ok 3 komend + zmiana 2 linijek.Jest mnostwo tutoriali krok po kroku wiec nie wymaga to zadnej skomplikowanej wiedzy , skoro ktos pisze o curlu to zakladam ze jest sobie w stanie poradzic z wklepaniem takich komend.


Zalety mojego rozwiazania : tansze + zero pretensji o to co robisz minus : trzeba 5 minut poswiecic na konfiguracje lighthttpd

A kto to zabezpieczy i zoptymalizuje ???? Stary proszę nie rozwalaj mi mięśni potylicy ;)

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A kto to zabezpieczy i zoptymalizuje ???? Stary proszę nie rozwalaj mi mięśni potylicy ;)


Mozemy zrobic maly test wezmiemy 2 Twoje Vps : na jednym postawisz Apacha zoptymalizowanego na drugim ja postawie zwyklym apt-getem lighttppd i porownamy wydajnosc co Ty na to ? Mozemy wykorzystac np siege lub dowolna inna aplikacje.


Optymalizacja mysql odpada bo poza wylaczeniem innodb niewiele mozna zrobic ze wzgledu na mala ilosc ramu, conajwyzej zmniejszyc bufory ale to nie jest istotne.


Co do zabezpieczen : rowniez mozemy zrobic test : dowolny twoj zabezpieczny serwer kontra czysty vps : proponuje komercyjna wersje nessusa lub openvas

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Gość patrys

mzygmunt: proszę Cię...


A i przenieś Twoje super testy na pw.

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