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PF niemozliwosc przekierowania Oident do Jaila FreeBSD

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Posiadam FreeBSD 10, 1 jaila i PF Firewall. Probuje na wszystkie rozne sposoby przekierowac oidentd do jaila, ale to w ogole nie chce dzialac. Z hosta chodzi bez problemu lecz z jaila to jakas masakra. Czy ktos mial podobny problem. Moj pf.conf ponizej:



martians = "{,,,,,,, }"
# connected to internet
ext_if = "em0"
### Stateful Tracking Options (STO) ###
stossh ="(max 5, source-track rule, max-src-states 5, max-src-nodes 5, max-src-conn-rate 4/30, overload <bruteforce> flush global)"
stowww ="(max 500, source-track rule, max-src-states 50, max-src-nodes 75, max-src-conn-rate 120/100, overload <bruteforce> flush global)"
### Queues, States and Types ###
#IcmpPing ="icmp-type 8 code 0"
#SshQueue ="(ssh_bulk, ssh_login)"
#SynState ="flags S/SA synproxy state"
tcpstate ="flags S/SA modulate state"
udpstate ="keep state"
### Tables ###
#table <blockperm> counters file "/etc/blockperm"
#table <brutforce> counters persist file "/etc/bruteforce"
table <bruteforce> persist
################ Options #####################################################
### Misc Options
set skip on lo
set skip on lo1
set debug urgent
set block-policy drop
set loginterface $ext_if
set state-policy if-bound
set fingerprints "/etc/pf.os"
set ruleset-optimization none
### Timeout Options ###
set optimization normal
set timeout { tcp.closing 60, tcp.established 7200}
################ Normalization ###############################################
# set-tos 0x1c is Maximize-Reliability + Minimize-Delay + Maximize-Throughput
# scrub out log on $ext_if all random-id min-ttl 15 set-tos 0x1c fragment reassemble
# scrub in log on $ext_if all min-ttl 15 fragment reassemble
################ Translation #################################################
### NAT and Redirection rules are first match ###

nat pass on em0 from $NET_JAIL to any -> $IP_PUB
rdr pass on em0 proto tcp from any to $IP_PUB port $PORT_JAIL -> $IP_JAIL
rdr pass on em0 proto tcp from any to $IP_PUB port 113 -> port 113
################ Filtering ###################################################
# Rules are best (closest) match. Notice we optimized the rules so external
# interface parsing is first followed by the internal interface.
### $ExtIf block abusive hosts in temp and perm tables
################ Filtering ###################################################
### Drop incoming everything ###
block quick from <bruteforce>
block in all
block return
# keep stats of outgoing connections
pass out keep state
# unlimited traffic for loopback and lan / vpn
# activate spoofing protection for all interfaces
block in quick from urpf-failed
#antispoof is a common special case of filtering and blocking. This mechanism protects against activity from spoofed or forged IP addresses
antispoof log for $ext_if
#block RCF
block drop in log (all) quick on $ext_if from $martians to any
block drop out log (all) quick on $ext_if from any to $martians
# Block all ips
# pfctl -t blockedip -T show
block drop in log (all) quick on $ext_if from <bruteforce> to any
block drop out log (all) quick on $ext_if from any to <bruteforce>
# Allow incoming ssh, http, bind traffic
# pass in
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 22 $tcpstate $stossh
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 6667 $tcpstate $stossh
# pass for jail ports
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $IP_JAIL port 31337 $tcpstate $stossh
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $IP_JAIL port 80 $tcpstate $stowww
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $IP_JAIL port 113 $tcpstate
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $IP_JAIL port 12345 $tcpstate $stowww
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $IP_JAIL port 6667 $tcpstate



Edytowano przez bryn1u (zobacz historię edycji)

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poprostu dodaj sobie wszedzie log i odpal tcpdumpa na pflogu bo chyba nikomu nie bedzie sie chcialo tego studiowac przy +30 za oknem

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Zminimalizowalem pf.conf do paru linijek:

 nat pass on em0 from $NET_JAIL to any -> $IP_PUB
 rdr pass on em0 proto tcp from any to port 21 -> port 21
 rdr pass on em0 proto tcp from any to port 80 -> port 80
 rdr pass on em0 proto tcp from any to port 113 -> port 113
 rdr pass on em0 proto tcp from any to port 6667 -> port 6667
 rdr pass on em0 proto tcp from any to port 31337 -> port 31337

Problem dalej ten sam. Najdziwniejsze jest to, ze z hosta dziala, laczac sie z odpalonym oidentem wszystko chodzi jak w zegarku. Podczas przekierowania
rdr pass on em0 proto tcp from any to port 113 -> port 113
zaczyna sie problem. Czy ktos moze wie dlaczego tak sie dzieje ? Chodzi mi nawet o prymitywna tylde "~" pod ircem. Z hosta przy odpalonym oidentd dziala bez problemu, dostaje user@host a z jaila z przekierowaniem dostaje ~user@host. Probowalem pod iptables z tego samego servera i przekierowanie z LXC tez dziala bez problemu.
Edytowano przez bryn1u (zobacz historię edycji)

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sprobuj skompilowac oidentd bez wsparcia dla nat/masq i ipv6.



niestety dupa .... to samo




Z wlaczonym PF, przekierowalem porty 113, 6667 (host):


pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port { 22, 113, 6667 }


i dziala, ale niestety wszystko tylko z hosta :( a ja potrzebuje z jaila. Do jaila przkierowywuje ruch oraz porty i nie dziala.

16:47 -!- bryn1u []
16:47 -!-  ircname  : User Bryn1u
16:47 -!-  server   : [France]
16:47 -!-  idle     : 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 4 secs [signon: Wed Jul  2 16:47:32 2014]
16:47 -!- End of WHOIS
Dla jaila nie ma wielkiej filozofi:

rdr on em0 proto tcp from any to $ip_pub port 113 -> $ip_jail port 113
rdr on em0 proto tcp from any to $ip_pub port 6667 -> $ip_jail port 6667
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ip_jail port 113 $tcpstate $stossh
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ip_jail port 6667 $tcpstate $stossh
Czy ktos mi jest w stanie wytlumaczyc o co to chodzi ? Bede bardzo wdzieczny
Edytowano przez bryn1u (zobacz historię edycji)

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Problem rozwiazany:


Your TCP connections to IRC are coming from another port than you
think, static-port fixes that.


Na koncu regulki nat wystarczy dodac static-port. Mam nadzieje, ze sie komus przyda. Sprawdzalem dziala swietnie !

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