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Wszystko napisane przez vjdj

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    malu jeśli można wiedzieć do czego służyły te dyski? Generalnie strasznie dużo ludzi poleca te dyski Samsunga. Osobiście korzystam z SanDiska i póki co daje rady.
  2. Lidl i chamskie potraktowanie pracownika

    Na pewno na koniec dnia rozliczacie kasę. Zgadzała Ci się kasa z tego dnia? Bo jak się zgadzała to nie powinieneś mieć żadnych problemów. Masz kontakt z tym ochroniarzem z całej sytuacji?
  3. System Debian 8 plus panel jak w temacie VestaCP, całość siedzi na vps'ie z ovh. Domyślnie wpsomniany panel tworzy dns'y w stylu: Dodałem do strone www. Przy dodawaniu strony zaznaczyłem Wsparcie dla DNS Edytowałem dns'y: na Oraz dodałem rekordy: ns1 A ns2 A Wszystko działa. Sprawdziłem na intodns, wynik: Different subnets WARNING: Not all of your nameservers are in different subnets SOA MNAME entry WARNING: SOA MNAME ( is not listed as a primary nameserver at your parent nameserver! SOA record The SOA record is: Primary nameserver: Hostmaster E-mail address: Serial #: 2016010107 Refresh: 7200 Retry: 3600 Expire: 1209600 2 weeks Default TTL: 180 Nie podoba mi się: Primary nameserver: Przystąpiłem do drugiej próby dodania kolejnej strony www. Dodałem w panelu serwery nazw: Dodałem stronę zaznaczając wsparcie dla dns dodałem wpisy a jak powyżej Soa wygląda teraz dobrze: SOA record The SOA record is: Primary nameserver: Hostmaster E-mail address: Serial #: 2016010206 Refresh: 7200 Retry: 3600 Expire: 1209600 2 weeks Default TTL: 180 Ale mam błędy: Name of nameservers are valid WARNING: At least one of your NS name does not seem a valid host name The ones that do not seem valid: no Missing nameservers reported by parent FAIL: The following nameservers are listed at your nameservers as nameservers for your domain, but are not listed at the parent nameservers (see RFC2181 5.4.1). You need to make sure that these nameservers are working.If they are not working ok, you may have problems! no Stealth NS records sent Stealth NS records were sent: no Co robię nie tak? Jak prawidłowo dodać własne serwy nazw w tym panelu? Jeśli o czymś zapomniałem poinformować dopiszę, proszę podać jakie informacje są jeszcze niezbędne do pomocy. Strony oraz ip przykładowe.
  4. VestaCP- własne dns'y

    Blokował, ale dodałem regułę, strefa na freedns przeszła a na ovh nie. Nie mogę znaleść dlaczego nie chce przejść na ovh.
  5. VestaCP- własne dns'y

    Da się gdzieś sprawdzić dlaczego secondary od ovh nie chce pobrać strefy z master? Działa z, pobrało, jak miałem błedy to szło w free sprawdzić co nie tak, a ovh nie wiem gdzie szukać.
  6. VestaCP- własne dns'y

    Nie mogę edytować posta, znaleźć opcji edytuj więc piszę jeden pod drugim. Wystarczyło przeczytać dokumentację od vesty, zostawiam link dla innych: Zabawiłem się również z secondary dns od ovh. Mam jednak problem. Dodałem domenę w panelu ovh DNS secondary. Dodałem wpis: ns2 A intodns krzyczy mi: DNS servers responded ERROR: One or more of your nameservers did not respond: The ones that did not respond are:
  7. VestaCP- własne dns'y

    Dzięki za odpowiedzi. Można prosić o jakieś linki gdzie została opisana konfiguracja. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że powinno być na tym samym ip. Póki co nie ma tam nic poważnego. Raczej nauka, zabawa. Zapoznam się z tym secondary dns od ovh
  8. [dyskusje]

    Ten skan dowodu to u nich standard. Wydaje mi się nie ma się co dziwić. Pamiętaj, że spokojnie możesz ukryć zdjęcie, pesel.
  9. [dyskusje]

    W jaki sposób opłaciłeś?
  10. VPS Anty DDOS

    Ze strony Blazingfast : DDoS Protection Included
  11. BOK w OVH - o co chodzi?

    Właśnie to jest problemem dostawców usług, że potencjalny klient nie potrafi do końca rozróżnić, zrozumieć pewnych rzeczy, ataków. Nie rozróżnia, czy atak jest na infrastrukturę czy aplikację. Potem dostaje po przysłowiowej d..... i zaraz serwerownia zła bo sobie z czymś tam nie poradziła. Sam teraz śledzę temat pewnego forum, którego jestem bywalcem, nie informatyczne. Sytuacja wygląda tak (dla mnie), że na forum jest xxx botów zalogowanych i forum pada. Skrypt stary pewnie dziurawy jak sito, ale ktoś rzucił hasło ddos i już jadą serwerownię, są już na takim etapie że dojdzie do zmiany usługodawcy, ale się zdziwią jak przeniosą i będzie to samo. Jadą po usługodawcy, że nie potrafi zablokować ataku, ale tak naprawdę co on ma grzebać w kogoś dziurach jak problem całkiem innej natury. Co do tematu, niewiele korzystałem z supportu ovh, ale z odpowiedzi które otrzymywałem płynęły konkretne informację, pomocne. Czas odpowiedzi również był przyzwoity, a korzystam raczej z ich budżetowych usług. Jestem tego świadomy i nie oczekuję jakieś specjalnej troski za tą cenę.
  12. Domena u tego samego usługodawcy co hosting? Problem z dns'ami? Nawet u podanego u Ciebie usługodawcy nie mieścisz się w budżecie z tym transferem.
  13. Fail2ban nie blokuje ip

    System Debian 8 Jessie + ispconfig. Zrobione wszystko według: Niestety fail2ban nie blokuje ip po nie udanych próbach logowań. Log: /var/log/mail.log Wpisy typu: Oct 28 06:10:33 aaaaaa postfix/smtpd[1413]: warning: unknown[xx.xx.xx.xx]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6 Oct 28 06:33:04 aaaaaa postfix/smtpd[2046]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6 Oct 28 07:17:23 aaaaaa postfix/smtpd[3084]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6 Oct 28 07:21:48 aaaaaa postfix/smtpd[3180]: warning: unknown[xx.xx.xx.xx]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6 Oct 28 08:01:43 aaaaaa postfix/smtpd[4022]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6 Oct 28 08:33:00 aaaaaa postfix/smtpd[4761]: warning: unknown[xx.xx.xx.xx]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6 W jail.local dodałem: [sasl] enabled = true port = smtp,ssmtp,submission,imap2,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s filter = postfix-sasl # You might consider monitoring /var/log/mail.warn instead if you are # running postfix since it would provide the same log lines at the # "warn" level but overall at the smaller filesize. logpath = /var/log/mail.log bantime = 600000 findtime = 30 maxretry = 3 Filter postfix-sasl: # Fail2Ban filter for postfix authentication failures # [INCLUDES] before = common.conf [Definition] _daemon = postfix/smtpd failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)swarning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL (?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed(: [ A-Za-z0-9+/]*={0,2})?\s*$ # Author: Yaroslav Halchenko Status: root@aaaaaa:~# fail2ban-client status Status |- Number of jail: 2 `- Jail list: sasl, ssh root@aaaaaa:~# Sprawdzenie poprawności działania root@aaaaaa:~# fail2ban-regex /var/log/mail.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix-sasl.conf Running tests ============= Use failregex file : /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix-sasl.conf Use log file : /var/log/mail.log Results ======= Failregex: 36 total |- #) [# of hits] regular expression | 1) [36] ^\s*(<[^.]+\.[^.]+>)?\s*(?:\S+ )?(?:kernel: \[ *\d+\.\d+\] )?(?:@vserver_\S+ )?(??:\[\d+\])?:\s+[\[\(]?postfix/smtpd(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?|[\[\(]?postfix/smtpd(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?(?:\[\d+\])?:?)?\s(?:\[ID \d+ \S+\])?\s*warning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL (?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed(: [ A-Za-z0-9+/]*={0,2})?\s*$ `- Ignoreregex: 0 total Date template hits: |- [# of hits] date format | [1091] MONTH Day Hour:Minute:Second `- Lines: 1091 lines, 0 ignored, 36 matched, 1055 missed Missed line(s): too many to print. Use --print-all-missed to print all 1055 lines root@aaaaaa:~# Niestety adresy ip nie są blokowane Co robię nie tak? Czego nie rozumiem jeśli uważam, że powinny być blokowane a nie są?
  14. Fail2ban nie blokuje ip

    Rzeczywiście to było problemem. Dzięki za odpowiedź.
  15. Fail2ban nie blokuje ip

    Fail2ban.log 2015-10-27 19:25:58,120 fail2ban.server [1856]: INFO Changed logging target to /var/log/fail2ban.log for Fail2ban v0.8.13 2015-10-27 19:25:58,121 fail2ban.jail [1856]: INFO Creating new jail 'ssh' 2015-10-27 19:25:58,263 fail2ban.jail [1856]: INFO Jail 'ssh' uses pyinotify 2015-10-27 19:25:58,326 fail2ban.jail [1856]: INFO Initiated 'pyinotify' backend 2015-10-27 19:25:58,342 fail2ban.filter [1856]: INFO Added logfile = /var/log/auth.log 2015-10-27 19:25:58,344 fail2ban.filter [1856]: INFO Set maxRetry = 6 2015-10-27 19:25:58,345 fail2ban.filter [1856]: INFO Set findtime = 600 2015-10-27 19:25:58,346 fail2ban.actions[1856]: INFO Set banTime = 600 2015-10-27 19:25:58,401 fail2ban.jail [1856]: INFO Jail 'ssh' started 2015-10-27 19:31:53,948 fail2ban.server [1856]: INFO Stopping all jails 2015-10-27 19:31:54,548 fail2ban.jail [1856]: INFO Jail 'ssh' stopped 2015-10-27 19:31:54,549 fail2ban.server [1856]: INFO Exiting Fail2ban 2015-10-27 19:31:55,307 fail2ban.server [2070]: INFO Changed logging target to /var/log/fail2ban.log for Fail2ban v0.8.13 2015-10-27 19:31:55,308 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Creating new jail 'ssh' 2015-10-27 19:31:55,353 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Jail 'ssh' uses pyinotify 2015-10-27 19:31:55,387 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Initiated 'pyinotify' backend 2015-10-27 19:31:55,390 fail2ban.filter [2070]: INFO Added logfile = /var/log/auth.log 2015-10-27 19:31:55,391 fail2ban.filter [2070]: INFO Set maxRetry = 6 2015-10-27 19:31:55,392 fail2ban.filter [2070]: INFO Set findtime = 600 2015-10-27 19:31:55,393 fail2ban.actions[2070]: INFO Set banTime = 600 2015-10-27 19:31:55,447 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Creating new jail 'sasl' 2015-10-27 19:31:55,447 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Jail 'sasl' uses pyinotify 2015-10-27 19:31:55,458 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Initiated 'pyinotify' backend 2015-10-27 19:31:55,468 fail2ban.filter [2070]: INFO Added logfile = /var/log/mail.log 2015-10-27 19:31:55,470 fail2ban.filter [2070]: INFO Set maxRetry = 3 2015-10-27 19:31:55,471 fail2ban.filter [2070]: INFO Set findtime = 30 2015-10-27 19:31:55,471 fail2ban.actions[2070]: INFO Set banTime = 600000 2015-10-27 19:31:55,480 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Jail 'ssh' started 2015-10-27 19:31:55,488 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Jail 'sasl' started 2015-10-28 08:52:05,882 fail2ban.server [2070]: INFO Stopping all jails 2015-10-28 08:52:05,990 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Jail 'sasl' stopped 2015-10-28 08:52:06,971 fail2ban.jail [2070]: INFO Jail 'ssh' stopped 2015-10-28 08:52:06,982 fail2ban.server [2070]: INFO Exiting Fail2ban 2015-10-28 08:52:07,931 fail2ban.server [5292]: INFO Changed logging target to /var/log/fail2ban.log for Fail2ban v0.8.13 2015-10-28 08:52:07,932 fail2ban.jail [5292]: INFO Creating new jail 'ssh' 2015-10-28 08:52:08,089 fail2ban.jail [5292]: INFO Jail 'ssh' uses pyinotify 2015-10-28 08:52:08,146 fail2ban.jail [5292]: INFO Initiated 'pyinotify' backend 2015-10-28 08:52:08,148 fail2ban.filter [5292]: INFO Added logfile = /var/log/auth.log 2015-10-28 08:52:08,149 fail2ban.filter [5292]: INFO Set maxRetry = 6 2015-10-28 08:52:08,151 fail2ban.filter [5292]: INFO Set findtime = 600 2015-10-28 08:52:08,151 fail2ban.actions[5292]: INFO Set banTime = 600 2015-10-28 08:52:08,197 fail2ban.jail [5292]: INFO Creating new jail 'sasl' 2015-10-28 08:52:08,197 fail2ban.jail [5292]: INFO Jail 'sasl' uses pyinotify 2015-10-28 08:52:08,209 fail2ban.jail [5292]: INFO Initiated 'pyinotify' backend 2015-10-28 08:52:08,211 fail2ban.filter [5292]: INFO Added logfile = /var/log/mail.log 2015-10-28 08:52:08,212 fail2ban.filter [5292]: INFO Set maxRetry = 3 2015-10-28 08:52:08,214 fail2ban.filter [5292]: INFO Set findtime = 30 2015-10-28 08:52:08,214 fail2ban.actions[5292]: INFO Set banTime = 600000 2015-10-28 08:52:08,224 fail2ban.jail [5292]: INFO Jail 'ssh' started 2015-10-28 08:52:08,231 fail2ban.jail [5292]: INFO Jail 'sasl' started Banowanie ma być przez iptables. Jeśli dobrze zrozumiałem pytanie. Dorzucam jeszcze jail.conf # Fail2Ban configuration file. # # This file was composed for Debian systems from the original one # provided now under /usr/share/doc/fail2ban/examples/jail.conf # for additional examples. # # Comments: use '#' for comment lines and ';' for inline comments # # To avoid merges during upgrades DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE # and rather provide your changes in /etc/fail2ban/jail.local # # The DEFAULT allows a global definition of the options. They can be overridden # in each jail afterwards. [DEFAULT] # "ignoreip" can be an IP address, a CIDR mask or a DNS host. Fail2ban will not # ban a host which matches an address in this list. Several addresses can be # defined using space separator. ignoreip = # External command that will take an tagged arguments to ignore, e.g. <ip>, # and return true if the IP is to be ignored. False otherwise. # # ignorecommand = /path/to/command <ip> ignorecommand = # "bantime" is the number of seconds that a host is banned. bantime = 600 # A host is banned if it has generated "maxretry" during the last "findtime" # seconds. findtime = 600 maxretry = 3 # "backend" specifies the backend used to get files modification. # Available options are "pyinotify", "gamin", "polling" and "auto". # This option can be overridden in each jail as well. # # pyinotify: requires pyinotify (a file alteration monitor) to be installed. # If pyinotify is not installed, Fail2ban will use auto. # gamin: requires Gamin (a file alteration monitor) to be installed. # If Gamin is not installed, Fail2ban will use auto. # polling: uses a polling algorithm which does not require external libraries. # auto: will try to use the following backends, in order: # pyinotify, gamin, polling. backend = auto # "usedns" specifies if jails should trust hostnames in logs, # warn when reverse DNS lookups are performed, or ignore all hostnames in logs # # yes: if a hostname is encountered, a reverse DNS lookup will be performed. # warn: if a hostname is encountered, a reverse DNS lookup will be performed, # but it will be logged as a warning. # no: if a hostname is encountered, will not be used for banning, # but it will be logged as info. usedns = warn # # Destination email address used solely for the interpolations in # jail.{conf,local} configuration files. destemail = root@localhost # # Name of the sender for mta actions sendername = Fail2Ban # Email address of the sender sender = fail2ban@localhost # # ACTIONS # # Default banning action (e.g. iptables, iptables-new, # iptables-multiport, shorewall, etc) It is used to define # action_* variables. Can be overridden globally or per # section within jail.local file banaction = iptables-multiport # email action. Since 0.8.1 upstream fail2ban uses sendmail # MTA for the mailing. Change mta configuration parameter to mail # if you want to revert to conventional 'mail'. mta = sendmail # Default protocol protocol = tcp # Specify chain where jumps would need to be added in iptables-* actions chain = INPUT # # Action shortcuts. To be used to define action parameter # The simplest action to take: ban only action_ = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"] # ban & send an e-mail with whois report to the destemail. action_mw = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"] %(mta)s-whois[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s", sendername="%(sendername)s"] # ban & send an e-mail with whois report and relevant log lines # to the destemail. action_mwl = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"] %(mta)s-whois-lines[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s", logpath=%(logpath)s, chain="%(chain)s", sendername="%(sendername)s"] # Choose default action. To change, just override value of 'action' with the # interpolation to the chosen action shortcut (e.g. action_mw, action_mwl, etc) in jail.local # globally (section [DEFAULT]) or per specific section action = %(action_)s # # JAILS # # Next jails corresponds to the standard configuration in Fail2ban 0.6 which # was shipped in Debian. Enable any defined here jail by including # # [SECTION_NAME] # enabled = true # # in /etc/fail2ban/jail.local. # # Optionally you may override any other parameter (e.g. banaction, # action, port, logpath, etc) in that section within jail.local [ssh] enabled = true port = ssh filter = sshd logpath = /var/log/auth.log maxretry = 6 [dropbear] enabled = false port = ssh filter = dropbear logpath = /var/log/auth.log maxretry = 6 # Generic filter for pam. Has to be used with action which bans all ports # such as iptables-allports, shorewall [pam-generic] enabled = false # pam-generic filter can be customized to monitor specific subset of 'tty's filter = pam-generic # port actually must be irrelevant but lets leave it all for some possible uses port = all banaction = iptables-allports port = anyport logpath = /var/log/auth.log maxretry = 6 [xinetd-fail] enabled = false filter = xinetd-fail port = all banaction = iptables-multiport-log logpath = /var/log/daemon.log maxretry = 2 [ssh-ddos] enabled = false port = ssh filter = sshd-ddos logpath = /var/log/auth.log maxretry = 6 # Here we use blackhole routes for not requiring any additional kernel support # to store large volumes of banned IPs [ssh-route] enabled = false filter = sshd action = route logpath = /var/log/sshd.log maxretry = 6 # Here we use a combination of Netfilter/Iptables and IPsets # for storing large volumes of banned IPs # # IPset comes in two versions. See ipset -V for which one to use # requires the ipset package and kernel support. [ssh-iptables-ipset4] enabled = false port = ssh filter = sshd banaction = iptables-ipset-proto4 logpath = /var/log/sshd.log maxretry = 6 [ssh-iptables-ipset6] enabled = false port = ssh filter = sshd banaction = iptables-ipset-proto6 logpath = /var/log/sshd.log maxretry = 6 # # HTTP servers # [apache] enabled = false port = http,https filter = apache-auth logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log maxretry = 6 # default action is now multiport, so apache-multiport jail was left # for compatibility with previous (<0.7.6-2) releases [apache-multiport] enabled = false port = http,https filter = apache-auth logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log maxretry = 6 [apache-noscript] enabled = false port = http,https filter = apache-noscript logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log maxretry = 6 [apache-overflows] enabled = false port = http,https filter = apache-overflows logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log maxretry = 2 [apache-modsecurity] enabled = false filter = apache-modsecurity port = http,https logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log maxretry = 2 [apache-nohome] enabled = false filter = apache-nohome port = http,https logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log maxretry = 2 # Ban attackers that try to use PHP's URL-fopen() functionality # through GET/POST variables. - Experimental, with more than a year # of usage in production environments. [php-url-fopen] enabled = false port = http,https filter = php-url-fopen logpath = /var/www/*/logs/access_log # A simple PHP-fastcgi jail which works with lighttpd. # If you run a lighttpd server, then you probably will # find these kinds of messages in your error_log: # ALERT – tried to register forbidden variable ‘GLOBALS’ # through GET variables (attacker '', file '/var/www/default/htdocs/index.php') [lighttpd-fastcgi] enabled = false port = http,https filter = lighttpd-fastcgi logpath = /var/log/lighttpd/error.log # Same as above for mod_auth # It catches wrong authentifications [lighttpd-auth] enabled = false port = http,https filter = suhosin logpath = /var/log/lighttpd/error.log [nginx-http-auth] enabled = false filter = nginx-http-auth port = http,https logpath = /var/log/nginx/error.log # Monitor roundcube server [roundcube-auth] enabled = false filter = roundcube-auth port = http,https logpath = /var/log/roundcube/userlogins [sogo-auth] enabled = false filter = sogo-auth port = http, https # without proxy this would be: # port = 20000 logpath = /var/log/sogo/sogo.log # # FTP servers # [vsftpd] enabled = false port = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data filter = vsftpd logpath = /var/log/vsftpd.log # or overwrite it in jails.local to be # logpath = /var/log/auth.log # if you want to rely on PAM failed login attempts # vsftpd's failregex should match both of those formats maxretry = 6 [proftpd] enabled = false port = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data filter = proftpd logpath = /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log maxretry = 6 [pure-ftpd] enabled = false port = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data filter = pure-ftpd logpath = /var/log/syslog maxretry = 6 [wuftpd] enabled = false port = ftp,ftp-data,ftps,ftps-data filter = wuftpd logpath = /var/log/syslog maxretry = 6 # # Mail servers # [postfix] enabled = false port = smtp,ssmtp,submission filter = postfix logpath = /var/log/mail.log [couriersmtp] enabled = false port = smtp,ssmtp,submission filter = couriersmtp logpath = /var/log/mail.log # # Mail servers authenticators: might be used for smtp,ftp,imap servers, so # all relevant ports get banned # [courierauth] enabled = false port = smtp,ssmtp,submission,imap2,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s filter = courierlogin logpath = /var/log/mail.log [sasl] enabled = false port = smtp,ssmtp,submission,imap2,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s filter = postfix-sasl # You might consider monitoring /var/log/mail.warn instead if you are # running postfix since it would provide the same log lines at the # "warn" level but overall at the smaller filesize. logpath = /var/log/mail.log [dovecot] enabled = false port = smtp,ssmtp,submission,imap2,imap3,imaps,pop3,pop3s filter = dovecot logpath = /var/log/mail.log # To log wrong MySQL access attempts add to /etc/my.cnf: # log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log # log-warning = 2 [mysqld-auth] enabled = false filter = mysqld-auth port = 3306 logpath = /var/log/mysqld.log # DNS Servers # These jails block attacks against named (bind9). By default, logging is off # with bind9 installation. You will need something like this: # # logging { # channel security_file { # file "/var/log/named/security.log" versions 3 size 30m; # severity dynamic; # print-time yes; # }; # category security { # security_file; # }; # }; # # in your named.conf to provide proper logging # !!! WARNING !!! # Since UDP is connection-less protocol, spoofing of IP and imitation # of illegal actions is way too simple. Thus enabling of this filter # might provide an easy way for implementing a DoS against a chosen # victim. See # # Please DO NOT USE this jail unless you know what you are doing. #[named-refused-udp] # #enabled = false #port = domain,953 #protocol = udp #filter = named-refused #logpath = /var/log/named/security.log [named-refused-tcp] enabled = false port = domain,953 protocol = tcp filter = named-refused logpath = /var/log/named/security.log [freeswitch] enabled = false filter = freeswitch logpath = /var/log/freeswitch.log maxretry = 10 action = iptables-multiport[name=freeswitch-tcp, port="5060,5061,5080,5081", protocol=tcp] iptables-multiport[name=freeswitch-udp, port="5060,5061,5080,5081", protocol=udp] [ejabberd-auth] enabled = false filter = ejabberd-auth port = xmpp-client protocol = tcp logpath = /var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log # Multiple jails, 1 per protocol, are necessary ATM: # see [asterisk-tcp] enabled = false filter = asterisk port = 5060,5061 protocol = tcp logpath = /var/log/asterisk/messages [asterisk-udp] enabled = false filter = asterisk port = 5060,5061 protocol = udp logpath = /var/log/asterisk/messages # Jail for more extended banning of persistent abusers # !!! WARNING !!! # Make sure that your loglevel specified in fail2ban.conf/.local # is not at DEBUG level -- which might then cause fail2ban to fall into # an infinite loop constantly feeding itself with non-informative lines [recidive] enabled = false filter = recidive logpath = /var/log/fail2ban.log action = iptables-allports[name=recidive] sendmail-whois-lines[name=recidive, logpath=/var/log/fail2ban.log] bantime = 604800 ; 1 week findtime = 86400 ; 1 day maxretry = 5 # See the IMPORTANT note in action.d/blocklist_de.conf for when to # use this action # # Report block via fail2ban reporting service API # See action.d/blocklist_de.conf for more information [ssh-blocklist] enabled = false filter = sshd action = iptables[name=SSH, port=ssh, protocol=tcp] sendmail-whois[name=SSH, dest="%(destemail)s", sender="%(sender)s", sendername="%(sendername)s"] blocklist_de[email="%(sender)s", apikey="xxxxxx", service="%(filter)s"] logpath = /var/log/sshd.log maxretry = 20 # consider low maxretry and a long bantime # nobody except your own Nagios server should ever probe nrpe [nagios] enabled = false filter = nagios action = iptables[name=Nagios, port=5666, protocol=tcp] sendmail-whois[name=Nagios, dest="%(destemail)s", sender="%(sender)s", sendername="%(sendername)s"] logpath = /var/log/messages ; nrpe.cfg may define a different log_facility maxretry = 1 Dodatkowo przetestowałem na ssh błędne logowania i iptables działa. Więc wydaje mi się, że problemem jest filtr dla tego typu błędu.
  16. Też spojrzałem na stronie i widzę wszędzie 100. Co ma cie na myśli z tą przepustowością?
  17. Sprawa wygląda tak, że jest kilka lokalizacji w każdej z lokalizacji dostęp do internetu ze stałym adresem publicznym. Obsługujące lokalizacje co by się nie działo zawsze twierdzą, że jak jest problem nie ma internetu. Potrzebował bym jakiś program, który będzie pingował dane routery i sprawdzał czy wszystko ok. Jak ie odpowiada np. dostaje email, do tego jakieś statystyki czy coś. Możecie coś zaproponować coś z bezpłatnych rozwiązań. Co do samych lokalizacji, na każdej znajduje się serwer i podłączone do niego urządzenia. Interesowało by mnie również monitorowanie urządzeń wewnątrz sieci, ale to już drugorzędna sprawa. Generalnie również chodzi o ping itp. o której dane urządzenie zostało włączone. Rozumiem, że w takim przypadku aplikacja na serwerze wewnętrznym, tylko chodzi żeby zebrać to ze wszystkich lokalizacji w jednym miejscu. Umieściłem tutaj bo nie wiedziałem, do którego działu pasowało by to najlepiej.
  18. Tak chodzi tylko o ping. Generalnie z tego co również zacząłem szukać to widzę nie ma problemu do samego routera. Co możecie zaproponować do monitorowania urządzeń wewnątrz sieci na kilku lokalizacja z centralizacją gdzieś danych zebranych.
  19. [dyskusje]

    Z tymi klasykami to różnie było, zależy jak się trafiło, osobiście nie narzekam. Widzicie gdzieś jak transferu dla tych nowych serwerów bo nie widzę.
  20. EvoBattle Kontakt po Polsku przez standardowy formularz? Polskie korzenie, czy Polscy pracownicy?