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Igor Stokowski

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Posty napisane przez Igor Stokowski

  1. Witam


    Mam pytanie odnośnie budowy strony.


    Hosting , domena wszystko załatwione.


    Chodzi o stylizacje strony.

    Chciałbym mieć Portal który opisywał by podstawowe informacje na temat sieci serwerów.(Najbardziej mi chodzi o ładny przejrzysty wygląd. Chętnie skorzystam z gotowych skryptów i płatnych temesów . Dodatkowo chciałbym posiadać forum na darmowym z skrypcie + także możliwość płatnego themesa.(Layout gamingowy lub Call of Duty).


    Budżet 300 zł.




  2. Witam jeszcze mam problem mały z tsem.


    Normalnie się włącza , nie pokazuje żadnych błędów ale nie mogę się z serwerem połączyć .


    2012-08-18 14:51:03.746362|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | TeamSpeak 3 Server (2012-06-29 07:59:05)

    2012-08-18 14:51:03.746848|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | dbPlugin name: SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, ©TeamSpeak Systems GmbH

    2012-08-18 14:51:03.746886|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | dbPlugin version: 3.7.3

    2012-08-18 14:51:03.747358|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | checking database integrity (may take a while)

    2012-08-18 14:51:03.780602|INFO |SQL | | db_CreateTables() tables created

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.383051|INFO |Accounting | | Licensing Information

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.383133|INFO |Accounting | | type : Non-profit

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.383224|INFO |Accounting | | starting date : Wed Jul 11 00:00:00 2012

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.383250|INFO |Accounting | | ending date : Fri Jan 11 00:00:00 2013

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.383273|INFO |Accounting | | max virtualservers: 10

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.383294|INFO |Accounting | | max slots : 512

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.410423|INFO |FileManager | | listening on

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.415655|INFO |VirtualSvrMgr | | executing monthly interval

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.415990|INFO |VirtualSvrMgr | | reset virtualserver traffic statistics

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.744126|INFO |CIDRManager | | updated query_ip_whitelist ips:,

    2012-08-18 14:51:04.744808|INFO |Query | | listening on

    2012-08-18 14:51:05.040312|ERROR |Accounting | | virtualserver started too many times in a certain time period

    2012-08-18 14:51:56.407106|INFO |ServerMain | | Received signal SIGTERM, shutting down.



    Problem mam taki

  3. Witam mam coś takiego


    tCould not locate binary file, aborting


    Jak to naprawić ?


    2012-08-16 20:28:32.986305|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.6 .1 (2012-06-29 07:59:05)

    2012-08-16 20:28:32.986907|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | Please make sure you use the supplied to run the server, or set LD_LIBRAR Y_PATH yourself

    2012-08-16 20:28:32.986957|CRITICAL|DatabaseQuery | | unable to load database plugin library "", halting!


  4. A można wiedzieć jak ?


    Dobra wiem że sam poszukać muszę bo będą linki do google


    java version "1.6.0_26"

    Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)

    Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)



    Chyba najnowsza .


    Dobra przy 7 osobach mam 57% ale nadal za dużo .


    Przy 20 procek skacze do 100% (2.66 GHz. Ram 2 GB 85%-90%

  5. Witam


    Posiadam VPS na Debian Squeeze (Stable) 64




    Na maszynie posiadam Team Speak 3 i Minecrafta.


    Posiadam 2 gb ramu na serwerze (Mało Pluginów) z czego 1,5 gb jest zarezerwowane dla Minecrafta.


    Gdy odpalam serwer mam zużycie około 40%-45% .


    Gdy wejdzie 8 graczy już jest ponad 80%.


    A serwer powinien utrzymywać nawet do 30 graczy przy zużyciu 90%.


    Nie wiem czy to coś z pluginami bo szczerze nie znam się jeszcze na VPS i Linuxie dobrze.



  6. Błąd który wyskakuje.

    ne of the following suggestions may help you:

    • Your server is currently offline.
      GameTracker needs your server to be online before you can add it to our database. Please restart your server and make sure it's up before hitting ADD SERVER again.
    • You entered the wrong query port.
      Please update your query port and hit scan again
    • Your server is firewalled.
      Please turn off any firewall you have that may block scanning or whitelist the gametracker scanning IP addresses:
    • Your server isn't configured to respond to scan requests.
      NOTE: all instructions assume you are not trying to connect from/to "localhost" and are on another IP Address outside your domain.
      1. Open a telnet session to your server on the query port
        ex. telnet $IP_ADDRESS $QUERY_PORT
      2. Execute a "use port" command
        ex. use port=[myserverport]
      3. Is the result "error id=0 msg=ok"?
        Yes, goto 4
        No, goto 11
      4. Execute a "serverinfo" command
        ex. serverinfo
      5. Is the result "error id=0 msg=ok"?
        Yes, goto 8
        No, goto 11
      6. Execute a "channellist" commmand
        ex. channellist
      7. Is the result "error id=0 msg=ok"?
        Yes, goto 10
        No, goto 11
      8. Execute a "clientlist" command
        ex. clientlist
      9. Is the result "error id=0 msg=ok"?
        Yes, goto 10
        No, goto 11
      10. SUCESS
        Your server can now be been added.
      11. ERROR
        Please review the Teamspeak 3 documentation to make the command that failed return an "error id=0 msg=ok" and goto 1

  7. 2012-07-03 17:47:10.883098|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | TeamSpeak 3 Server (2012-06-29 07:59:05)

    2012-07-03 17:47:10.883639|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | dbPlugin name: SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, ©TeamSpeak Systems GmbH

    2012-07-03 17:47:10.883678|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | dbPlugin version: 3.7.3

    2012-07-03 17:47:10.884102|INFO |DatabaseQuery | | checking database integrity (may take a while)

    2012-07-03 17:47:10.920022|WARNING |Accounting | | Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality

    2012-07-03 17:47:11.420652|ERROR |Accounting | | failed to register local accounting service

    2012-07-03 17:47:11.420736|ERROR |ServerLibPriv | | Server() error while starting servermanager, error: instance check error

  8. No zrobiłem tak i nadal się połączyć nie moge :(


    w statusie Server seems to have died nadal


    Jak drugi raz wpisuje start wyskakuje

    tsa@mine1:~/ts31/teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64$ ./ start found, but no server running. Possibly your previously started server crashed

    Please view the logfile for details.

    Starting the TeamSpeak 3 server

    TeamSpeak 3 server started, for details please view the log file
